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Question : When do lessons take place?

We generally have 2 hours outside school time and 1 hour is integrated during the children’s French school day. The hours depend on our partner school, its needs, its timetable and groups.

We Love English is flexible and aims to satisfy its partnerships schools and their pupils. 

Question : Are the teachers native speakers? 

The We Love English team consists of qualified teachers from the United Kingdom with years of experience in teaching native English speakers, bilingual students, and those studying English as a foreign language. Teachers undergo a rigorous selection process, including classroom observations and formal interviews about the teaching and learning process.

Once teachers are employed by We Love English, "learning walks/ monitoring" and formal observations take place to ensure the quality, consistency, and continuity of our courses.

Question: It's possible that children may not want to speak English at the beginning of the class, and if they do, they may speak with a French accent or make mistakes. How do We Love English teachers react in these situations? 

The most important thing for We Love English is to help your children grow and develop emotionally and academically. One of our goals is to help them become confident, responsible, independent and resilient learners. Our methodology is positive, and while we do correct errors, we do so subtly without emphasizing the person who made the mistake or the severity of it. In fact, we often encourage them to reflect, and it's the children themselves who correct their own errors.

Similarly, we are aware that each child matures at a different pace, and each individual has a different personality. Many children are naturally introverted, and their shyness may prevent them from participating in class. We Love English will not force them to speak in front of their peers. Many children, and adults, need time to build confidence. However, we will find situations where the teacher will speak individually with the student to listen and encourage them to speak.

Question: My child already has some knowledge of English. Will the CP (Cours Préparatoire) be too easy for them? 

During We Love English classes, children are fully immersed in the English language. Teachers are experienced enough to assess the level of children in the class, and if a child has specific difficulties completing a task, we will provide them with the right tools to access the work and complete it. Just as with students who have a natural talent for languages or come from bilingual families, we provide differentiated work (not additional, but at a different level within the class work) to ensure they meet their potential and continue to progress in their studies.

Question : Which platform does We Love English use for homework? 

Children will bring their We Love English homework tasks back every week with their homework folder.  We plan for (about) 6 days to complete the work given (including the weekend).

An email is sent to families each week using the same platform that our French Partner School uses as families are familiar with it. In the email WLE teachers send home, families find a summary of the content covered during the week, an explanation of the activities to do (usually 1 or 2 activities and extension tasks for those children who wish to do further work), and a list of songs and/or videos to watch at home for review (these videos are also worked on in class).

As well as homework tasks, a book is sent home every week to practise reading skills and revise vocabulary. Families have also got access to audio books so that the children can listen to a native speaker while reading the story.

Question: I speak very little English; what can I do to support my child at home?

Have a positive attitude towards language learning and support them in their studies by creating a space for them to work, showing them the videos that we send home and giving them access to the audio books that We Love English teachers have created.

And above all, show your child that you are trying too and that learning English can be fun. It doesn't matter about the accents or the mistakes because it is through mistakes that we learn.

Question: What teaching programme do you deliver?

Our team of teachers use the Cambridge syllabus (English as a second language) as a guide. With each school we adapt to the abilities and needs of the students.

Question: What is the additional workload?

We Love English allows around 6 days to complete the work which is usually one or two worksheets and/or watching videos. As the children get older, we provide vocabulary to learn for dictation and books to read at home.

We recommend reading for 10 minutes every evening (and it is possible to alternate every other day with French).

Question: Does We Love English offer classes for adults or private companies?

Yes, and for this we invite you to contact us directly (  to discuss the size and the needs of the group as well as potential timetabling.

Question: Is We Love English a substitute for the French Educational programme?

No, not at all. We Love English students attend French schools and colleges and therefore follow the French curriculum. We Love English offers an immersion in the English language because our students have more hours of English per week. Part of these hours are part of the French curriculum and the rest are extracurricular hours.