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Homework Policy (September 2023)


At We Love English, we are committed to providing an holistic English language learning experience for our students. Homework plays an integral role in this process, offering students opportunities to reinforce and apply their classroom learning. 

As part of our commitment to fostering a multilingual education for our students, we'd like to emphasise the importance of balancing their French and English language studies. While we understand the enthusiasm for "We Love English" homework, it's crucial to ensure that the French assignments are not replaced or overlooked. Our students are enrolled in a French school, and completing their French homework remains key to their academic progress. Nevertheless, we highly recommend and encourage our students to engage with "We Love English" tasks, as these reinforce the content covered in our lessons, contributing to a more comprehensive language learning experience. 

This Homework Policy outlines our expectations and procedures regarding homework assignments for students at our school.

Homework Frequency and Communication

Homework will be assigned once a week. Students will receive a homework folder with the necessary materials and instructions to complete their assignments. An email will be sent to families by their child's English Teacher. This communication will include:

  • Learning objectives covered in class.

  • A detailed explanation of the homework tasks, including any specific instructions or guidelines.

  • Links to videos and songs that can be watched at home to enhance learning in an engaging and enjoyable way.

  • Spelling words/ dictation should the group have weekly spelling checks. 

A reading book appropriate to the level of each pupil is sent home each week. The children have 1 week to read it before the book is exchanged for another one. An audio version is sent at the same time so that the child can listen to the phonics and work on his/her pronunciation. 

Homework Submission and Collection

Students are expected to complete their homework assignments and return them in their homework folders the following week. Homework should be submitted promptly to ensure that students receive timely feedback. Homework folders will be collected by the English Teacher. It is the responsibility of the students to bring their homework folders to school on the designated day.

Homework Feedback

Homework assignments will be carefully assessed by the English Teacher. Comprehensive feedback will be provided to students to help them understand their strengths and areas for improvement. Marked homework assignments will be returned to the homework folders, which will be sent back home with the students. Parents are encouraged to review the feedback and discuss their child's progress with them.

Homework Guidelines

Homework assignments are thoughtfully designed to reinforce classroom learning and provide additional practice in the English language. They should be completed independently by the student, with the understanding that parents can provide support and guidance as needed (particularly with younger students). Students are encouraged to manage their time effectively to complete homework assignments. If a student is unable to complete their homework due to extenuating circumstances, parents are encouraged to communicate with the English teacher in advance.

Parental Support

We recognise and value the significant role parents play in their child's education. We encourage parents to:

  • Provide a quiet and conducive environment for homework completion.

  • Monitor their child's progress and offer support when needed.

  • Foster a positive attitude toward homework and learning.

At We Love English we firmly believe that homework is a critical aspect of the learning journey. It allows students to practice and apply what they have learned in the classroom, strengthening their English language skills. We appreciate the cooperation and support of our students and their families in adhering to this Homework Policy, which is designed to enhance the learning experience of our students.

If you have any questions or concerns about our Homework Policy, please feel free to reach out to your child's English teacher or the school administration.

Behaviour Policy (September 2023)

At We Love English, our commitment to fostering a positive and nurturing learning environment is unwavering. We believe in the power of positive behaviour and its transformative impact on our students. This policy is designed to provide clear guidelines on how we promote, recognise, and address behaviour within our school community.

Promoting Positive Behaviour

At the heart of our educational philosophy is the belief in promoting positive attitudes, values, and actions. We celebrate and acknowledge the following:

  1. Hard Work: We applaud the dedication and effort our students invest in their studies and personal growth.

  2. Enthusiasm: We recognise and celebrate enthusiasm as a driving force for learning and creativity.

  3. Class Participation: Active participation in class discussions and activities is encouraged and rewarded.

Reward System

To encourage positive behaviour, we employ a range of methods to reward our students. These methods are shared with parents and children at the start of each academic year. These rewards may include verbal praise, certificates and other incentives that promote a culture of positivity.

Celebrating Success

We firmly believe in celebrating success, both big and small. Recognising achievements is essential to motivate our students and nurture their self-esteem.

Supporting One Another

Our school emphasises the importance of helping and supporting one another's growth. We foster a community where students learn the values of empathy, kindness, and collaboration.

Zero Tolerance for Negative Behaviour

We have a zero-tolerance policy for disruptive or harmful behaviour within our school community. To ensure a safe and conducive learning environment, we implement a traffic light system, which is shared with families and children, to effectively address and monitor behavioural issues.

Effective Communication

When a student's behaviour is not aligned with our values, our first step is open and effective communication. The teacher will engage with the student(s) involved to raise awareness of their behaviour and its impact on their education and their peers' learning.

Involvement of Head Teacher and Parents

If the behaviour continues, the teacher will promptly inform the Head Teachers of We Love English and our partner school, and the parents. The Head Teacher of We Love English will then invite the child(ren) for a conversation, and parents will be kept informed of the situation.

A Collaborative Approach

In cases where behaviour issues persist, all concerned parties, including parents, the child(ren), teaching staff, and the Head Teacher, will convene to discuss the next steps. Our belief in a collaborative approach is rooted in our commitment to helping students make positive changes.

Reiteration of Positive Behaviour

Throughout this process, we consistently emphasise the importance of positive behaviour, happiness, enjoyable learning experiences, and the sharing of positive values. Our goal is to create an environment where all students can thrive and grow into responsible, respectful, and compassionate individuals.

We thank our parents for their vital partnership in nurturing the values and behaviours we hold dear at We Love English. Together, we create an inspiring and enriching educational experience for our students.

This policy is effective immediately and will be regularly reviewed to ensure its continued relevance and effectiveness in maintaining a positive and conducive learning environment at We Love English.

Reading Policy (September 2023)

At We Love English, we are committed to nurturing a lifelong love for reading and improving English language skills among primary school children. Our Reading Policy outlines our approach to reading instruction and the resources we provide to support your child in their English language development. We invite you to familiarise yourself with this policy to better understand our commitment to your child’s reading journey.


Reading Materials

Our primary reading materials are carefully selected Oxford Owl books. These books are thoughtfully chosen to engage young readers while progressively enhancing their reading skills.

Reading Sessions

Each week, your child will enjoy a special one-on-one reading session with an adult. These sessions provide individualised attention, allowing your child to practise their reading skills and receive valuable feedback.

Home Reading Programme

We encourage your child to take books home every week to read with the family. This initiative promotes family engagement in the learning process, encourages a culture of reading at home, and strengthens the bond between you and your child.

Audio Books

To assist your child in improving their pronunciation and fluency, we provide access to audio books. These resources can be easily accessed both in the classroom and at home, allowing your child to hear the correct pronunciation of words and sentences.

Reading Goals and Assessments

We set individualised reading goals for each student, taking into account their age and current reading abilities. These goals are regularly reviewed and adjusted to ensure progress. Additionally, our teachers employ various assessment tools, including regular reading assessments and comprehension checks, to monitor your child's reading progress. We believe in providing timely feedback to both you and your child to support their reading development.

Reading Support

For students who may require additional support in their reading journey, we offer reading intervention programmes. These programmes are designed to address specific reading challenges and provide tailored support.

Celebrating Reading

To celebrate your child's reading achievements and cultivate a positive reading culture, we organise events, reading challenges, and rewards for students who excel in their reading endeavours.

Parental Involvement

We encourage parents and guardians to actively participate in their child's reading development. Reading together at home, discussing books, and attending parent-teacher meetings to stay informed about your child's progress are all valuable ways to support your child's growth.


We maintain open lines of communication with parents, ensuring you are well-informed about your child's reading progress, goals, and areas of improvement.

This Reading Policy reflects our dedication to nurturing confident and proficient English readers among our primary school students. We believe that a strong foundation in reading is essential for their academic and personal growth. We continuously strive to create a supportive and engaging environment that encourages a lifelong love for reading and language learning.