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Notre partenariat

At We Love English, we would like to emphasize the importance of a strong partnership between our dedicated staff and our valued parents.

Our commitment to open communication and collaboration starts from the beginning. In September, we will host a welcome meeting for all families, which will give us the opportunity to introduce our staff and outline the exciting curriculum that awaits your children.

But it doesn’t stop there! We understand the importance of involving you and keeping you informed about your child’s progress. That’s why we organise parents’ evenings, where you can meet one-on-one with your child’s teacher to discuss their academic performance and attitude towards learning.

To ensure you are always in the loop, we send two sets of comprehensive reports, one at the end of January and one in July. These reports detail the objectives covered throughout the year and highlight the progress your child has made. In addition, our teachers add personalized notes and recommendations to further support your child's learning journey.

Each week, you will receive informational emails summarizing the week's lessons. These emails also contain links to engaging videos and songs that align with the week's curriculum, providing you with resources to reinforce learning at home.

At We Love English, we understand that every child is unique and sometimes additional discussions may be necessary. Our team is always willing to arrange additional meetings with families who request them. Your input and involvement is crucial to your child's success and we are here to support you every step of the way.